This full-stack food ordering website is built with a modern technology stack that includes Next JS, Tailwind CSS, React Query, MongoDB, Node JS, and Express JS. It features a dual-theme interface, offering users the choice between dark and light modes to suit their preference. Designed to be fully responsive.
This website, designed for a client dedicated to uplifting African children, harnesses the full potential of Next JS 14 for both the front-end and back-end. It's a platform built with compassion at its core, aiming to connect donors with impactful stories and tangible means to help. With a user-friendly interface and a responsive design, the site ensures that visitors can easily navigate through information, understand the mission, and contribute to the cause.
I developed this unique website with a keen focus on detail, combining sophisticated design elements crafted by an experienced designer. The code is meticulously clean and well-organized, ensuring that the site is fully responsive and adapts seamlessly across a wide range of screen resolutions, from 4K to 320px. I invite you to explore the site and would greatly appreciate your feedback on how effectively it integrates professional design with functionality. Thank you!
I created this book e-commerce website to showcase my skills, utilizing Next JS, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript for the frontend. For the backend, I employed Python, Django, and SQLite, with JWT tokens and HttpOnly cookies to enhance security. This combination of technologies allowed me to build a secure, efficient, and user-friendly platform for selling books online.